Wednesday, May 18, 2011


According to my last blood test, I have reached a major milestone in treatment, MMR or Major Molecular Response. What does that mean? Basically it means I have achieved a 3-log reduction in my PCR tests. I see confusion on your faces still.

What is a Log Reduction?
The simplest way to explain a one-log reduction it is to take any interger (say 31) and move the decimal point over one number to the left. So 31 (31.0) becomes 3.1. A two log reduction would make 31 into .31. A 3 log reduction would make 31 into .031.

The goal of treatment is to get to a 3 log reduction from your initial PCR test. I have achieved that. Actually I have achieved greater than a 3 log reduction since my last PCR was .014 and my first PCR was 31.

Whats PCR? Go back and read the blog post titled "I was hungry when I wrote this." See you in threee months!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Still golden

Good news last monday at the Docs. Numbers are dropping and meds seem to be working. Happ Valentine's day!